
Join us in making the world a better place…

AAUW members are persons of diverse cultures, backgrounds, perspectives and professions. When you join an AAUW branch, you will belong to a community of people who value education, information and equal rights. You will network with other members and develop relationships that stimulate a lifetime of personal and professional growth. For more information on THE VALUE OF AAUW, scroll down this page.

Ready to Join?
You need to be a student or have a degree*.
*An associate or equivalent, baccalaureate, or higher degree from a qualified educational institution, a degree from a foreign institution recognized by the International Federation of University of Women (IFUW), or a foreign degree acceptable as a basis for admission by graduate schools at qualified universities of the U.S.A.
Contact them and attend a few meetings or events to get to meet members.
If you have questions, contact the AAUW Colorado Membership Vice-President at
  • Pay your dues.
    (Contact your chosen branch for the application and total due.)
Enjoy all the advantages of AAUW Colorado.


Membership in a community committed to a shared cause

We are breaking through educational and economic barriers so that all women and children have a fair chance.

Your connection with higher education

Find out how you–or someone in your community–can take advantage of the Educational Foundation’s $3 million in grants and fellowships awarded each year. And learn about women challenging sex discrimination in higher education through AAUW’s Legal Advocacy Fund.

Leadership development and educational opportunities

AAUW offers educational programs that promote gender, race, and class equity and help you develop your professional and personal skills. Programs are offered at conventions, in interactive workshops, in print, and online.

Increased buying power

Because of the increased buying power of a large group, AAUW can provide services designed exclusively for members such as quality insurance plans, including a dental plan and a health plan specifically tailored to meet the needs of women; AAUW’s First USA Platinum Visa card, which features a competitive rate and no annual fee; discounts on AAUW research and merchandise; and more! Savings from these programs will more than equal your yearly dues.

Your voice in Washington from your viewpoint

If equity is at issue, we’re there. As an AAUW member, you will have a strong voice on Capitol Hill on legislation that will affect the lives of women and girls. AAUW’s 100,000 members and our branches in 1,000 communities guarantee that your message will be heard.

Relevant timely news and information

Our award-winning magazine, AAUW Outlook, delivers close-ups of the women behind women’s rights from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shirley Chisholm, and Donna Shalala to exceptional women in grassroots America. Plus, AAUW publishes “Get the Facts,” one-page alerts that inform you on how congressional proposals affect YOU… and what you can do to make a difference.

Foundation research

Take advantage of member-only rates on exciting and extensive research reports commissioned by AAUW’s Educational Foundation. The Foundation’s landmark research enables you to make a difference in the lives of women and girls for generations to come.

Updates on public policies that affect your life

Members receive briefings and fact sheets on critical policy issues as well as discounts within AAUW’s monthly policy newsletter, “Action Alert.”