Welcome to AAUW of Douglas County, CO!


January 25, 2025 – GIRL POWER returns at the ACC Sturm Campus.  Members please help by volunteering at this great event.

Public Policy Day – February 1st 9am – noon register online.  

March Movie Meeting – March 19th Castle Rock Library, Conference room F 12:30-3:00pm.

End of Year Party – May 21, 2025, location TBD.

(Locations may vary this year so please check!)

Girl Power event champions: Linda Gaylo, Beryl Jacobson, Sarah Homer, ACC and Suzanne Kroepsch. With special thanks to the AAUW Eugenia McClure Foundation.

Holiday celebration 2024


Saturday November 11, 2023 was our first “Girl Power” event in collaboration with the Sturm Collaboration Campus, Arapahoe Community College and Douglas County Schools.  Fifty 8th grade girls were treated to an exciting morning at the campus learning about exciting careers, and doing hands-on activities on a virtual cadaver and in cybersecurity.  Their parents learned about concurrent enrollment in high school, the value of early career exploration and why developing an early relationship with their high school counselor is so important to high school girls.

We are grateful to Sarah Homer, Senior Navigator at the Sturm campus and to the tireless efforts of AAUW members, Beryl Jacobson and Suzanne Kroepsh and Crowfoot Coffee, Meadows Orthodontics and Dominoes Pizza for their in-kind donations to make this a no-cost events for the girls and their parents.  After the event, both parents and girls enthusiastically agreed that the morning had been worthwhile and that they would recommend it to family and friends next year.

Full Equity in Higher Education Remains Elusive

AAUW student debt image

Women’s Equality Day, celebrated on August 26, marks the anniversary of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. One battle we are still waging is for women in education. AAUW estimates that due to disproportionate student loan burden and a longer debt repayment period, women currently hold almost two-thirds of student debt in the United States. Read more.

Current Newsletter

The Douglas County Colorado Branch of AAUW is all about FELLOWSHIP

The branch has many interest groups that promote camaraderie, learning, health and giving. See our Calendar for bridge, book club, history/culture, and other interest groups.

The Douglas County Colorado Branch of AAUW is all about GREAT MONTHLY PROGRAMS

The monthly meetings are always interesting and informative. Meetings are usually held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Castle Rock Phillip S. Miller Library. Programs alternate between morning meetings and evening meetings. The evening meeting begins with a social 1/2 hour starting at 6:30PM. The program begins at 7PM followed by a short business meeting that begins about 8PM. Meetings end at 8:30PM. For exact location and program topics, see the Calendar.